Hubby was in Hospital
I want to write more. But I take a long time to draft and edit a post. And now, I sorely lack time and energy.
Moreover, as I grow older, I start to censor my private life more when I write in public. Even then, I had little time and energy to write in my private diary. I used to write details of my life so that I can remember. I have very poor memory, and diary acts as a chronicle of my life. Something that I can look back on and savour those moments past.
After a series of unfortunate health incidents, all-sorts of weird cases, some I had never had before, it’s hubby’s turn to be admitted in the hospital. This happened after our November birthday celebrations and Bangkok trip. We nearly booked the trip on the weekend he fell sick. And he was surprisingly still moving about despite his super low blood count. Thank God for His saving grace simmering through these latter two count.
And when all hope is lost to find a private hospital to admit him (we called all private hospitals, but unbelievably, all are full that very day!), our insurance agent’s medical conceirge found him a bed at Farrer Park Hospital.
Like in my case, doctors tried so hard to diagnose his “problem”. And in both our cases, it’s an unusual diagnosis for us. This is what I wrote in Instagram:
After my hospitalisation in August 2019, our family of 3 kept falling sick week after week. Cough, flu, sore throat, stomach flu, and others. Then recently, hubby got hospitalised because of low blood count and after a series of tests, we finally found a rare growth in his small intestines. So rare, the specialist still need to do further research. Ectopic pancreas to be exact. So might be having surgery to take it out. Thankfully, it’s supposedly benign. Hopefully further tests will confirm it is benign.
Weirdly, I got TB.
Weirdly, he got a rare growth.
Weirdly, our health scares are so soon one after another.
Thankfully, we live in modern science era where we can be easily cured with meds and surgery.
If I’m not a Christian, I’ll probably assume the baby in me is a 克星 (jinx). And most likely be treated with negligent/negative care the moment she’s born. But because I’m a Christian, I believe the baby in me has a great calling that the enemy/devil/Satan is afraid of, and he wants to place burdens on our shoulders to “hate”/dislike her. We parents have the power to determine how our children’s lives can spiral towards.
A more glorious year is going to be ahead of us. Out of the valley, the way is up.
“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.”
James 1:2-3
Photo taken in my hubby’s comfortable private ward at @farrerparkhospital. A wonderful view of central Singapore. And ironically, @tantocksenghospital was right smack in the middle. Reminded me of my horrendous week at TTSH. The docs and nurses are good, just that it’s unpleasant to be sick in a crowded public hospital.