Tag: Death

Trials and Tribulations (Part 1): Altar of Rememberance

Trials and Tribulations (Part 1): Altar of Rememberance

I hope this series doesn’t come across as a rant or a self-pity party. I hope it will help you see the light in your dark situation. If you are going through a similar situation as me, may my experience be an encouragement and comfort 

Death, the inevitable.

Death, the inevitable.

We were saying our usual grace, and the girls ended off with an amen. Then EX, my 4.5 year old turned to her grandpa, my dad, and said, “Those who don’t believe in God, will go to health.” She repeated once more, and then turned 

Brevity of Life in the Timeline of Eternity

Brevity of Life in the Timeline of Eternity

On a painful journey to open up old wounds and forgive. On a low self esteem journey of seeing how all the things I do seem unfruitful and thus almost meaningless as a result. On a sleepless journey of not having enough sleep through the