Story: Never enough

Story: Never enough

Bs for all her subjects, she was an average student. “Why can’t you be like your good friend who scored all As?” “But there are people who did worse“, she retorted her mother. “Don’t compare yourself with those worse off but with those better than 

When it’s War

When it’s War

Bomb. The first bomb dropped. Everyone scurried to shelter. When peace descended, everyone rushed to the grocery shops to stock up food and other essentials. Hospitals were filled, doctors and nurses working tirelessly, selflessly. The siren went off, and everyone ran back to their own 

Waterfall: Finding Solace

This short story was for a writing contest in 2017.  Image: She closed her eyes, breathed in the cold air, and listened to the loud symphony. The waters poured on all four sides and violently hit the grounds of the earth. It roared and thundered 

Iceland – Regard the Moon!

This short story was for a writing contest in 2016.  Many authors have drawn parallels between Iceland and the moon. Here’s mine: Image: From high above, the wrinkled rugged texture of the ground suggested we were landing on another planet—stark and barren like the