Tag: Christians

Worry and Hope

Worry and Hope

I’ve heard about the downside of worrying, like what Newt Scamander said in the movie Fantastic Beasts, “Worrying means you suffer twice.” Or how worrying prolonged your suffering to start earlier than it should. Or how worrying makes you suffer for nothing when in the 

Bread of God

Bread of God

God spoke much to me through the bread-making/inner healing workshop at Panis The Village. So I asked my hubs to attend. He returned home with the bread and kept saying it wouldn’t be nice. He had made a mistake and added too much flour to 

Watercolours as Therapy

Watercolours as Therapy

A TCM consultant recommended I pick up drawing/painting as a way to relax. I was not too sure if I had the time and interest to do a class. Just so happen, I was looking for an illustrator and found myself inclined to watercolour illustrations. 



When I was in my early twenties, I thought I would conquer the world once I stepped out in faith. I would have a great testimony or testimonies to reach out to the unbelievers (of Jesus) around me – of God providing success despite my 

Be in a community / Shedding of Old Wineskins

Be in a community / Shedding of Old Wineskins

Shared a private diary entry with a friend, because she played a part in what or how God was speaking to me about. A portion of it resonated with her and so I thought, perhaps more people need or want to read this and feel 

Mindfulness: Being Present

Mindfulness: Being Present

I can time travel. Not physically though, although I wish I could. Travelling to another time period on earth is like travelling to another country, or rather, another multiverse, where the ways and things of life are much different from now. Anyway, I meant I 

The will of God is not what I wanted

The will of God is not what I wanted

A friend texted me this encouragement: “I found it encouraging to see how you would commit all matters (money, housing etc) into God’s hands. I think God is in all decisions we make! Big and small, spiritual or so-called “secular”. Truth be told, I was 

Let go

Let go

“You need to let go,” my friend told me. I shook my head, “It’s so hard.” “Pray and get the shalom peace,” she said. My heart was troubled. I blamed God. God, you knew, why didn’t you… I was harping on the expensive mistake, on 

More than enough

More than enough

In the wilderness, the future seems like a lost cause. I could not see the land in the fog. Is there really a promised land we could root ourselves in? Or is it a less-than-ideal shelter we had to contend in? In my dented state