Month: March 2018

Sleep Training and Movie

13 March 2018. It was our 45th month wedding anniversary. It was also 9 months after our last movie in the cinema, “Wonder Woman”. One week after that movie, our wonder girl was born. Our wonder baby. 13.3.18 is a Tuesday when the movie is 

Saturday Night Chat

After a few days of sleep training, baby EG began sleeping longer hours through the night. The naps are another story. Stubborn baby in the afternoon, but the cries are gradually getting shorter too. Hubby began imagining the movie nights and the nights I could 

Waterfall: Finding Solace

This short story was for a writing contest in 2017.  Image: She closed her eyes, breathed in the cold air, and listened to the loud symphony. The waters poured on all four sides and violently hit the grounds of the earth. It roared and thundered 

Post Holiday Blues

I came back rejuvenated to write about my recent trip – the trip to Japan, the trip with an 8 month old baby to a cold country. Had so many posts drafted in my mind. Japan inspired me to put thought and effort in everything