Happy Mother’s Day in Church
The best part of being a mother is having a chance to learn how to love unconditionally; and be loved back regardless of how I fail to be a perfect mum.
The good parts would be…
to have crazy fun,
to dance and sing in childlike faith,
to have hair-pulling episodes to train my patience and grace,
to have tearful situations to revisit past wounds and start the healing process,
to relish in heartwarming hugs and kisses.
p.s. And getting surprise flowers and cake from the hubs and daughter for mother’s day. And getting delicious homecooked food from the hubs. Thankeww, love 😘

Being a mother is a life lesson.
Having a mother shapes much of our life.
Having no mother affects us deeply.
With mothers playing an important role in our lives, why are churches not using mother’s day as an opportunity to preach about mothers, or for mothers, or for our relationships with our mothers? Best if they have a female preacher to preach on this topic.
Otherwise, even the male preachers can talk about the mothers in the bible instead of recycling stories of David, Joseph and Moses. The stories of these men of faith are important, just that this is a good opportunity to shed light on the less talked about biblical figures. God put them in the bible for a reason, right? Then again, it’s not really surprising when the church leadership is saturated with males, and so female perspectives are often overlooked. We can also learn from the lives of women, cheers!
8 Mothers in the Bible Who Served God Well
Eve – Mother of All the Living.
Sarah – Wife of Abraham.
Rebekah – Wife of Isaac.
Jochebed – Mother of Moses.
Hannah – Mother of Samuel the Prophet.
Bathsheba – Wife of David.
Elizabeth – Mother of John the Baptist.
Mary – Mother of Jesus.

As I end, please pray for your mothers, your wives, and all other mothers you know. Prayers are so important for mothers. IMO, being a mother automatically means she is engaged in spiritual warfare. There are so many battles mothers had to fight with as they bring up giants of faith. Or how about the pastor’s wife who handles the children while the husband shines? Mothers in the background need lots of ammunition (prayers) too.
Happy mother’s day.❤️
p.s. I’m not trying to be critical but to give constructive feedback.
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