His Wisdom, His Plan

Was asking God about a decision over baby EX’s kindergarten. It’s a good school, but expensive. Not sure if it’s necessary expense at such age. Good because it’s church based and encourages learning through play. Usually such schools of learning in Singapore come with hefty 

Is Life Beyond Grades?

I was initially nonchalant about this ‘Life Beyond Grades’ campaign (“Campaign”). The name of the Campaign is self-explanatory but many people did not take it at surface level. With the increasing flak it received, I started to look into it. The whole saga reminded me 

Blessed Mother’s Day

I wished I had time to write more, on this website and its sub-domains. I need wisdom on how to carve out time. Also, I need miracles for things people take for granted, like having a baby who can self soothe to sleep and sleep 

Sleep Training and Movie

13 March 2018. It was our 45th month wedding anniversary. It was also 9 months after our last movie in the cinema, “Wonder Woman”. One week after that movie, our wonder girl was born. Our wonder baby. 13.3.18 is a Tuesday when the movie is