“Where does that anointing comes from? It comes from the dark room of anonymity and obscurity and crushing, of doing something I don’t want to do, of being in some situations that I haven’t want to be in, of learning to zip my mouth when i would rather much defend and vindicate myself, and say a whole lot of things. It’s by in circumstances and serving for years longer than I ever wanted to. So all of that it crucifies your flesh, it kills you, and it crushes you. And along with that comes the anointing.
An anointing comes from crushing. If you are not willing to go through the process and the time that it takes to crush our selfish ambition, to crush our flesh, to crush our ungodly motives out of us, to crush our ungodly characteristics out of us, if we don’t go through the process of the crushing, then there is no oil that produces anointing. ”
– Christine Cain
This is so close to heart. The dark and deep valley I had walked alone. Not everyone will understand and recently I realised a few had slowly walked out of my life completely – of which I’m learning to let go. I can’t turn back time to what I should have done better to keep those friends. I only wished they stretched their hands further to reach into the dark abyss to hold my hand and walked me through. But everyone has their own battles… I should have done better too to reach out to them, but my bones were too dried up to even move.
I started the journey with big self centered dreams, of looking to glorify self. Now, I noticed the change in me. Looking back, thank God He didn’t put me in the spotlight prematurely. I rather He crushed me into a more godly person, than the world glories crushed me into a broken person.